“The Word Became Flesh” by Chris McKnight In the Beginning came the refrain Of a reality without pain The logos of God alive and well Face to Face but who can tell The mysteries of such distinction? With God yet God before time and space A seamless existence, no need for grace Sharing love and glory beyond description Never apart but with distinction. And then came creation! Of all things through the Word of God Including our father made from sod. God spoke the Word and light came first For six straight days His power did burst. But not one speck apart from this Agent. Catalyst of life, the original Light Animates the pair and shines so bright Lending life and light to all, both great and small. A world without sin, for a moment. But the chosen darkness fell the guilty pair Bringing ruin, misery then despair. So war began with God’s foe Now that father was spoiled head to toe Yet the Light shines indomitable. Centuries passed with promises made Still no one made the grade Then on the stage burst a man of brawn “Are you Messiah?” “I’m not”, said John. “I must fade before this blinding Light.” Behold the Man without dark threads Battle ready, His war lies ahead. The Creator’s Agent piercing the darkness Past Layers of ironic starkness Like Rejection from His next of kin in olive skin. But some could see and welcomed the Man Into reborn hearts by God’s plan. Not by lineage, human power or decision “Monergistic regeneration” if you want precision. So came a ruler at night to the Light only to hear, “You must be born again.” And so was born the Word made flesh The Grand Miracle! God and man did mesh. And like the traveling tent of old God lived among us as foretold. “Veiled in flesh the God-head see, hail the incarnate Deity!” From eternity begotten, not made in time Personified grace and truth … God sublime. A dessert voice rings out “He’s before me” John would shout. Because the Word had no beginning. Pure goodness from this Fount did flow Wave after wave of grace bestowed. Grace before and behind, grace beneath and above Rivers of grace, undeserved love Would Flow from this Word wrapped in olive skin. So Ponder the mediation Two great samples since creation. Compare and contrast this stellar pair A resplendent glory, you can’t help but stare At these covenant mediators so close to God. But One leaves the other in the dust This greater Moses we must trust. Grace and truth, realized in Jesus The Word became flesh so He could save us! God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. For as close as Moses was to God He was a sinful man merely of sod. And remains there now awaiting more grace Coming down from the One who sees God’s face. The only begotten Son explains the mystery. So lower yourself before the two in one And become God’s child through Christ the Son. Confessing full Deity in bodily form Smitten and risen, your shelter in storms Of God’s furious wrath, well-deserved. The Word became flesh, yet rejected with scorn Nailed to a tree, His flesh torn. The Lamb of God to altar bound Wrath absorbed, now grace the sound Echoing down the halls of time. So Come ye weary, heavy laden to the first born of the maiden Trade in your idols of sin and vanity for God’s cure for the insanity Of this foolish world running from God Filling spiritual holes with putrid sod When all you need belongs to Jesus, the Word became flesh so He could save us. ![]()
AuthorUnless otherwise noted, all posts are written by Pastor Chris McKnight Archives
March 2024