CHURCH DIRECTORY - Need help accessing the church directory? Church members may download a printable directory from the church website and call the office for the password. Smartphone users may use the Instant Church Directory app that is downloadable from your app store. You will create your own login with a password that you create. You must use the email that we have on file for your login. Please let the office know if you need to make any changes to your information. KBC NURSERY (0-3 yrs) is now in the New Children's Building! Please first check in at the Children's Building Greeter Desk and then proceed to the Nursery room where Elva, Trisha, and our Nursery Volunteers will welcome them. LADIES - Thank you for signing up to enjoy the catered dinner and podcast to get to know our Pastor's and Elder’s Wives. Who ARE these eight women…really! We’ll enjoy dinner and a live podcast TONIGHT, Friday, October 28 from 6-8 pm. AGAPE OFFERING – Sunday is the fifth Sunday in October. Our deacons will be at the doors to receive your AGAPE OFFERING. These funds, over and above your regular giving, help with financial hardships within our church body. COLLEGE AND CAREER MINISTRY – Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings 6:30pm – 8:00pm alternating Sonnenberg and Sumrall homes. Contact Jon Sonnenberg at 830-777-9863 for more information. WEDNESDAY ACTIVITIES – Join us on Wednesday for a fellowship meal at 5:30pm, followed by Awana, Choir, and Youth at 6:30. On the menu this week: Chicken Tenders, Green Beans, Potatoes, Assorted Fruit & Dessert. OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH – The deacons and elders wish to encourage all of KBC's members to express their appreciation for Chris, Toby, Scott, and Murray. Send them a letter of encouragement, take dinner to their house, or other ideas you may have. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – Delivers shoeboxes packed with gifts and the Good News to children in need around the world. KBC will be the drop off location for packed boxes in Kerr County starting Nov. 14th. Members, beginning this Sunday Oct. 16th, pick up your empty box in the foyer. Contact Noelle Neely for more info or go to CHILDREN’S CHURCH – Located in the New Children's Building. Parents, bring your children (Ages 4-5 only) into the Foyer (Children's Church Gathering Area) when the slide appears on screen dismissing them from the service. Parents will need to pick up their children ASAP at the check in/out desk in the New Children's Building immediately after the service. Children's Church is now for ages 4 and 5 year-old children Only. Children 6 years and up will be in the Sanctuary with their families. GIVING – There are several ways to give:
BAPTISM VIDEOS ARE NOW AVAILABLE on our website under the RESOURCES tab. We are working our way back through the archives as time permits to make the videos available. LOOKING FOR A CALENDAR OF EVENTS? Click here for the latest calendar. Please let us know if something needs attention. PASTORS PODCAST "Answering Objections To Christianity, Part 1" Check it out. UPCOMING @ KBC TONIGHT, Friday, October 28 6:00pm - Women's Ministry Dinner Sunday 9:00am - Sunday School for All Ages 10:30am – Worship Service Monday 7:30pm Women's "My Heart Unveiled" Bible Study - FLC, Room 204, 203, 201 and 101. Tuesday 9:30am - Women's "God of Deliverance" Bible Study - FLC, Gym. 1:00pm - Women's "My Heart Unveiled" Bible Study - FLC, Room 203. Wednesday 5:30pm - Fellowship Meal - FLC 6:30pm - Awana, Choir, & Youth - Various Locations Thursday 7:30am - Men's Bible Study - FLC room 101 ORDER OF WORSHIP - OCTOBER 30, 2022 SONGS OF PRAISE (Most songs available on KBC's YouTube Playlist or Spotify)
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven SPECIAL MUSIC Jesus Thank You COMMUNION Led By Thad Chambers THE BREAD - Amazing Love THE CUP - Rock Of Ages SERMON - Pastor Scott "Marks of a Devoted Church" Acts 2:42 CLOSING SONG My Worth Is Not In What I Own Comments are closed.