Written by Heath Gregory What a wonderful message yesterday from Psalm 2. Rodrigo showed us the rebellious plot of the wicked, the serious response of God, and His gracious offer towards us. Because of these truths, we shouldn’t be surprised at the unfolding of 2020 or news headlines that make us cringe. These are the reality of a fallen world rebelling against God and further proof that there is indeed nothing new under the sun. These seemingly uncertain times are not uncertain, people have been and will continue to rebel against God until our precious Savior returns. So even though things may seem uncertain in our estimation, God is still on the throne and everything is going according to His plan. As believers we can let go of worries about a mysterious virus, the next election or the next movement that attacks our biblical worldview because nothing can overcome the power and plans of God. As I’ve had more time to reflect on yesterday’s sermon, I’d like to offer you three points of additional application: First, a question.
Are we equipping ourselves and those around us for the world we live in? The world is fallen, but does our behavior or our response to certain things show we really believe this? We’re called to be in the world, but we’re commanded not to love the world. In the Christian life, this line gets a little blurry sometimes. We can become consumed with the news, social media, and opinions and forget about truth. We can defend our daily media habits as necessary. But are they necessary? Are these the sources of information that should be informing us, equipping us, and shaping our thinking and our responses? Are they helping us to be salt and light or are they feeding our fleshly desires and impulses, creating anger and hate in us, and causing us to stumble? There is an urgency for us to stop feeding our flesh and start feeding our souls. Inundating ourselves with the news, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not going to fulfill our inward desires or equip us for the good deeds set before us. They’re not going to give us a sense of peace and rest. The only way for us to worship, walk, work, and witness for the Lord is to be consumed with the Lord. The right response to uproar and rebellious plots is not protest or posts, the right response is seeking more of Christ so that you can trust Him more and share him more confidently. So instead of getting carried off by whatever news headline comes your way, plant yourself in the Word and equip yourself for whatever lies ahead. Second, we need to offer thanksgiving. The end of Psalm 2:12 says “How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” We should be thankful we have a place to take refuge. This world is scary, but God offers Himself as a shelter and a protector. We can resist the temptation to worry and be anxious like the world and instead be thankful, because our hope and peace lie not in this world, but in our blessed Savior. We are blessed because he is our blessing. We give thanks because God offers us comfort and rest in hard times. We give thanks because even through viruses, protests, and civil unrest, God is saving people. So worship the Lord and rejoice with trembling! Third, we need to pray for Christ return. We should long for heaven and not for peace on earth. This is not our home. We need to get over the dream that we’re going to make this world a better place and place our hope in the return of Christ and His eternal kingdom! Instead of placing our hope in the best life now, we keep our eyes fixed on Him and set our mind on the things to come. Nothing in this life can change our certainty for the next. It can only give us a deeper longing for it and greater satisfaction in it. At its core, this world is full of wickedness and hate. No activist group and no good cause is going to fix that. At best, it will mask the true issues of the heart, but most likely it will reveal more sin. So, if we want all of this to end, if we need a break, if we’re tired, weary, and fed up, we need to pray and we need to pray earnestly and expectantly: Lord Jesus come quickly! The truth is that nothing will ever overcome the power and plans of our God or undo His work on your behalf. Psalm 2 is a great reminder that the world we live in should not surprise us or catch us off guard but remind us more and more of the gracious Savior to whom we belong. While you're here, how about subscribing to be notified of new content? The form is over on the sidebar (desktop) or at the bottom of the page (mobile).
John Skellie
6/29/2020 04:45:24 pm
Thanks for the reminder who is really in charge ... a fine summary of Psalm 2 ... grace to you and Rodrigo!
6/30/2020 09:21:18 am
Thank you!
6/30/2020 09:20:47 am
Thank you, Heath, for the additional application of psalm 2.
Liz Johnson
7/3/2020 08:55:13 pm
I thank you both Pastor Avila and Pastor Heath for a great sermon and some very insightful comments. Your opening question Pastor Heath (Are we equipping ourselves and those around us for the world we live in?) has caused me to give serious reflection on this matter. It's so difficult to know while we're raising our children if we are giving them enough instruction on the dangers of living for what the world considers important. But it definitely is imperative that as adults we do our absolute best to impart God's words and the life giving sacrifice of Jesus to any and all children that we can. There is nothing more important. Thank you for the reminder. Comments are closed.
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