Feeling the stress and strain of Covid-19? Yeah, me too.
Here's a little 20 minute Bible study/devotional I just recorded from home - audio only - on I Cor. 13. Hope you enjoy it. If you do, let me know. This may be the start of something. In Him, Pastor Chris While you're here, how about subscribing to be notified of new content? The form is over on the sidebar (desktop) or at the bottom of the page (mobile).
Bobbie Marsh
4/18/2020 12:20:18 pm
Thanks for the devotional, a much needed reminder to look to the Lord and examine my daily life within these four walls and commit daily to a life of love during these troubling times. Appreciated your lesson!
Dana Earney
4/18/2020 06:24:57 pm
Thank you Chris for this so very important reminder. We listened to this as a family and it was said in such a way that we as parents understood as well as our children could understand. Thank you for continuing to lead our church family during this time.
Julia Werner
4/18/2020 12:38:39 pm
Thanks for the lesson today. I am still going into our office everyday (aircraft insurance) and talk to 40 to 60 pilots a day from all over the USA. Most are in good spirits but usually one r two a day test my patience by chewing me out for one reason or other and sometimes gets vulgar and rude over premiums being raised. I answer phones and get the brunt of the conversation so I have to bite my tongue, sometimes have to raise my voice a little and talk them down to understanding my position and most of the time get an apology. So this lesson helped me this morning. My blood pressure has been a little high and that causes tension in myself. We r considered essential (transportation) so that is why we r open with few left in ofc and 20 working from home. Being alone after hrs is a little stressful but am getting things done (David’s workshop) and there r little notes to himself all thru this garage workshop. I am almost done sorting out what to keep and get rid of. So I cry a lot and laugh at remembering certain things going thru all this because I was his helper and 35 yrs of his carpentry work we have many stories. So by the time this virus thing gets back to normal and God’s hand on my shoulder I will have pulled, pushed, lifted many pounds of heavy tools. But this has kept me busy and will put an end to another chapter in my life. So thanks for the lesson and I have been on all the Sunday programs that starts my week singing and looking forward for what Is in store. Have a good afternoon! Until....
Katie Peterson
4/18/2020 12:41:23 pm
I tried to “like” that but don’t know if it worked so...👍
4/18/2020 12:54:16 pm
Thank you. This is encouraging. And by His Spirit we have this gift. Thank you for vreathing fresh air into my sails.
Jenna Cummings
4/18/2020 12:59:37 pm
Cheryl Meares
4/18/2020 01:11:53 pm
The timely message has the Shepherd using his staff to move me along in the right direction. I would encourage you to provide these short messages because they teach, exhort and correct us! ☺️
Carolee D Moss
4/18/2020 02:14:52 pm
Chris, thank you so much for this message. Your timing was right on for me. You are very much loved by so many. Carolee 4/18/2020 02:32:41 pm
I did enjoy this, but more than that, it left me refreshed, not just dragging through the day in my tasks, as I was before listening. This will help me to stop and check my actions and responses. Plus I haven’t heard another pastor say “trying to forget”and I especially thank you for that.
Dana Tucker
4/18/2020 04:55:25 pm
Hi Chris,
Jim Brown
4/18/2020 04:58:27 pm
Thank you Chris. Great reminder and encouragement. Appreciate your doing this. Keep em' coming.
Judy Simmons
4/18/2020 05:08:58 pm
Ahhh, the Love Chapter! Great place to start what I hope to be the first of many mini-studies. As you are very much aware, these are probably the most well known Scriptures ( though many people don’t know they come from the Bible, along with ‘judge not lest you be judged’ there are. My non-Christian friend gave us a wall hanging with the text starting with ‘Love is patient...’ in honor of her sons wedding not having any idea where the words came from. I appreciated your defining line by line as you always do in your teaching. And, the words are as fresh and needed now as when Paul wrote them. I vote yes on continuing your studies like this as God brings them to mind.
Sharon Balistrire
4/18/2020 06:14:21 pm
Thank you Pastor Chris, I was encouraged in the Scripture you brought to us in this, I hope will be the 1st of many devotionals. As you read from the love chapter, it reminded me that every thing I say and do, must be motivated from a heart that loves God and loves my neighbor. Thank you so much for loving the flock God had given you to shepherd. You are helping us to keep our eyes on Jesus, which is helping me to stay the course in these very difficult and trying times.
4/18/2020 06:27:06 pm
Chris - thanks so much for feeding us with God’s word. You keep us grounded in our walk with the Lord. I say keep it coming. Blessings to all.
Allison Page
4/18/2020 07:07:08 pm
Thank you for this encouraging word! It is good to walk through this time together....thankful.
Mitch Boyes
4/18/2020 07:29:27 pm
Thank you Chris. Very timely, appropriate for our circumstances.
4/18/2020 09:44:36 pm
I never really realized why love was the greatest. Thank you for teaching us! I hope you continue doing these!!!
Debbie Anderson
4/18/2020 10:12:58 pm
Thank you for taking the time to care for us during this very strange time. These special moments give us encouragement as well as a connection. It is appreciated.
Lynda Nunez
4/19/2020 07:25:17 am
What a great idea to do these mini-sermons! I hope you keep them up. I always thought this chapter was for husband and wife. Thanks for opening my eyes and helping us to understand what Paul meant.
Craig Balistrire
4/19/2020 09:17:14 am
Thank you Pastor for such a timely message on what love is and is not. I see I am not alone as to the need of hearing this.
Chris McKnight
4/19/2020 10:22:07 pm
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Very encouraging. 4/21/2020 05:00:31 pm
Just got around to listening.......great lesson/reminder. These audio shorts are great. Comments are closed.
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