Written by Rodrigo Avila Pastor Chris’s sermon last Sunday was entitled “God’s sovereignty over salvation.” It was based on Matthew 11:25-27. In the previous context of this passage, we read of Christ’s severe denunciation of the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. Their unwillingness to repent and believe in Christ even though He performed many miracles in their midst is the reason he condemns them. Notice then, that our Lord turns the situation from accusation to adoration. He now praises His Father for hiding the things concerning salvation from “the wise and intelligent.” This is a sarcastic reference to the people of Israel, and especially to its religious leaders, who did not believe in Him. He also praises God for revealing these things to infants, an allusion to those who did believe in Him with child-like faith. Jesus adds that all of this, the hiding and the revealing, was well-pleasing in His Father’s sight.
He finalizes this section with “a powerful affirmation of the sovereignty of God over all the affairs of men [and claiming] …that the task of executing the divine will had been committed to Him.”[1] God is indeed sovereign over salvation. He has total control over those who are saved and those who are not. And He is not unjust in doing so. As Pastor Chris rightly puts it: “Concealing is justice, revealing is grace. And everybody gets one or the other. There is no injustice with God. There is only justice or grace.” You may be thinking: Since God is sovereign over salvation, are there some ways in which I can refine or correct my thinking and actions? And the answer is: yes, there are! This passage has many applications for your life. There are at least three that stand out for me. 1. Thankfulness The fact that Christ, according to His sovereign will, has chosen to reveal the Father to us should produce in us a higher degree of thankfulness and a deeper understanding of His grace. 2. Dependence We all have dear friends and/or close relatives that don’t know the Lord. It can be very discouraging to see a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, a sister, a brother, and especially a son or daughter be separated from Christ. But to know that God is in control of salvation should cause us to trust Him, to depend on Him, and to have peace. God loves our love ones more than we do. We must keep praying for them and never give up hope. 3. Witnessing Besides praying for unbelievers, we must preach to unbelievers. Knowing that God controls salvation should motivate us to preach the gospel with hope and boldness. It is a great privilege and a reason to rejoice that our Lord wants to use us to advance His kingdom. God’s sovereignty should free us from the unnecessary burden of trying to convert people. Our duty is to share the message with faithfulness and leave the results to Him. The essence of the message of the gospel is contained in the next section of the passage we reviewed today. And I am looking forward to see how Pastor Chris will expound its truths for us this coming Sunday. [1] John MacArthur While you're here, how about subscribing to be notified of new content? The form is over on the sidebar (desktop) or at the bottom of the page (mobile).
6/16/2020 07:19:02 pm
Thank you for the posts!
6/17/2020 02:46:33 pm
Hi Vicky!
Sharon Pollard
6/16/2020 09:14:48 pm
Excellent recap, Pastor Avila! So happy you and your family are with us for this season.
6/17/2020 02:47:22 pm
Thank you! We are happy too. The Lord is good.
Chris McKnight
6/17/2020 08:56:11 am
Thank you Rodrigo for an excellent recap and additional application of the sermon. You write very well in English!
6/17/2020 02:49:42 pm
Liz Johnson
6/17/2020 03:35:59 pm
Thank you Pastor for your insights on this passage. It never ceases to amaze me how much can be gleaned from scripture when we take the time to dig deeper. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.
6/19/2020 10:51:52 am
Amen to that! Comments are closed.
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