PARKING - As we continue to grow and experience parking challenges due to our construction, please help us out in the following ways:
EASTER PARKING - We are anticipating large attendance numbers and parking challenges on Resurrection Sunday. In addition to the above requests, we would request that able-bodied men (please, no women or children) drop off their families and park in front of Tellus (not the gate or the building) or the office strip immediately South of Tellus. Please be cautious walking along Harper Road. OVERFLOW FOR EASTER SERVICE - Also, we anticipate that the Worship Center will fill up and so we will use the Family Life Center (gym) for overflow seating as needed. The FLC will have plenty of seating set up. Our Ushers will monitor the WC and then let the greeters know when it's time to direct arrivals to the FLC. SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORY - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS LORD'S DAY
WEDNESDAY ACTIVITIES - Please join us for a fellowship meal on Wednesday followed by Awana, Choir, and Youth.
SAVE THE DATE - POT-PROVIDENCE DINNER & GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE: Join us on April 15 at 5:30pm for our annual Pot-Providence Dinner, followed by a celebration of baptism & communion at 7:00pm. Bring enough food for your family plus two and you may begin dropping off your food to the FLC kitchen at 5:00pm. You will not want to miss this! SEW BEE IT QUILTERS and Caring Hands (crochet/knit prayer shawls for members of KBC) are meeting this week on Thursday, April 21st in the FLC Room 101 at 9:30am. Please join us if you like to quilt, knit, crochet or want to learn. For more information, contact Loma Bammel at (830-896-1160) or [email protected]. MEN'S WORKING RETREAT - CHARIS HILLS - Calling all KBC men that are willing to put their energy and skills to work projects at Charis Hills Camp in Sunset, TX on April 21-24. Enjoy great fellowship as we assist Rand and Colleen Southard in preparing for the 2022 camp season. Sign-up sheet in the foyer or call Mark Bush (281-733-8921) MOSES FAMILY WILL BE HERE SOON – Mark June 19th on Your Calendar Now! Geoffrey and Nicole Moses (and the kids) will be back in Kerrville with us. Join them for Mary’s Tacos and a presentation of their work in Sierra Leone. Enjoy stories of how the kids have adapted to their new home. EVERYONE COME TOGETHER TO WELCOME THEM BACK TO KBC! CHILDREN’S CHURCH - Children’s Church will be located in room 203 in the FLC. Parents will need to bring their children (Ages 4-6 only) into the Foyer when the slide appears on screen dismissing them from the service. They will be taken by the Children’s Church volunteers to the FLC Gym and then upstairs to room 203. Parents will need to pick up their children ASAP in the hallway at room 203 immediately after the service. GIVING - There are several ways to give:
NURSERY AND CRY ROOM – During the service, we offer skilled and loving childcare for children 0-3 years in the Nursery Trailer in the upper parking lot. Parents receive a pager in case the staff needs them to return. For moms with fussy babies, we also offer a cry/nursing room with one-way glass and audio so moms can see the platform and hear the sermon. PASTOR'S PODCAST
Today, 5:00pm - Pot Providence food drop-off - FLC Today, 5:30pm - Pot Providence meal begins - FLC Today, 7:00pm - Good Friday communion service NO SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS SUNDAY Sunday, 10:30am – Worship Service Monday, 7:30pm – Women's Ephesians Bible Study - FLC Wednesday, 5:30pm – Fellowship Meal - FLC Wednesday, 6:30pm – Awana, Choir, Youth Thursday, 7:30am – Men’s Bible Study FLC Thursday, 9:30am – Sew Bee It Quilters FLC ORDER OF WORSHIP - APRIL 17, 2022
SONGS OF PRAISE (Most songs available on KBC's YouTube Playlist or Spotify
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today You Have Been Raised In Christ Alone Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery Because He Lives (Amen) SPECIAL MUSIC Jesus Saves SCRIPTURE READING - Matthew 28:1-10 SERMON - Pastor Chris McKnight "Are You a Faithful Resurrection Witness?" Matthew 28:1-10 Comments are closed.