ORDER OF WORSHIP - May 19, 2024Playlists and other important info can be found at http://kerrville.bible/links SONGS OF PRAISE
SCRIPTURE READING Galatians 5:13-26 SERMON - Youth and Family Pastor Murray Van Gundy "Seven Marks of a Spirit Filled Christian" Galatians 5:22-23 CLOSING SONG
ANNOUNCEMENTS CHURCH DIRECTORY – Need help accessing the church directory? Church members may access the church directory via a link on our website. Smartphone users may use the Instant Church Directory app that is downloadable from your app store. In either case, you will create your own login with a password that you choose. You must use the email that we have on file for your login. Please let the office know if you need to make any changes to your information. Now would be a good time to update your photo. KBC NURSERY AND CRY ROOM – A caring and secure ministry to children ages 0-3 is located in the Children’s Building during the worship service. Please check in at the children’s desk. Cry/nursing rooms for moms and babies are located off the worship center foyer and in the children’s building. CHILDREN’S CHURCH – For children ages 4-6. Parents, please bring your children to the foyer when the dismissal slide appears on the screen. They will be escorted to the Children’s Building and must be picked up there by their parents immediately after the service. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Congratulations to our High School Graduates: Vivian Baxley, daughter of Toby & Melissa Baxley Cade Braaten, son of Chris & Meredith Braaten Isaac Hunter, son of Brent & Jen Hunter John Masters, son of Jerrod & Brandie Masters Deacon Tarnowski, son of Dan & Amy Tarnowski Please pray for these graduates as they begin the next season of their lives. FELLOWSHIP HALL OVERFLOW – Last name beginning with..... L – R May 19th S – Z May 26th SENIOR ADULT GAMES is having a cookout and potluck on Saturday, May 25th, 1:00-3:30 pm at Jim and Kay Moyers' home, 215 George Hollow Rd, Kerrville (approx.10 min from KBC). All Adult Seniors and Widows are invited. Hamburgers will be provided. Bring a side dish. Please RSVP by text to Kay Moyers (409-658-6784) or Fritzeen Scott (925-321-1281) no later than Wednesday, May 22nd. WOMEN’S SUMMER BOOK CLUB 2024 –Monday, June 3, 7:00-8:00pm and Tuesday, June 4, 9:15-11:00am. We’ll be reading Defeating Evil by Scott Christensen. Sessions: Small group reading review. All groups meet in FLC for Scott’s live discussion. Monday night groups review their reading and view Scott’s discussion via video. Sign up in the foyer. Childcare for ages 0-3 will be available for the Tuesday morning group only. MARRIAGE CONFERENCE – A Match Made in Heaven by Carey Hardy, Two Sessions:
PASTOR’S BOOK OF THE MONTH (TOBY) - DEEPER by Dane C. Ortlund In this book, Ortlund makes the case that sanctification does not happen by doing more or becoming better, but by going deeper into the wondrous gospel truths that washed over them when they were first united to him. Ortlund encourages readers to fix their gaze on Jesus in the battle against sin, casting themselves upon his grace and living out their invincible identity in Christ. $14 in the bookstore. KBC BOOKSTORE – Be sure to check out our bookstore located in the foyer extension. Inside each book is an envelope with the price. Please place your payment (cash or check) in the envelope and drop the envelope in the box provided. You can also use our new "Square" Credit Card system for your purchase. INTERESTED IN BELIEVER'S BAPTISM? – Please contact the church office and one of our pastors will be in touch with you soon. LOOKING FOR A CALENDAR OF EVENTS? Click here for the latest calendar. Please let us know if something needs attention. GIVING – There are several ways to give:
PASTOR'S PODCAST – "He Who Finds A Wife..." Click to Listen! UPCOMING @ KBC Saturday
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