ORDER OF WORSHIP - NOVEMBER 19, 2023 SONGS OF PRAISE https://linktr.ee/kerrvillebible CONGREGATIONAL SINGING All Hail The King Of Heaven Glorious Christ Great Is Thy Faithfulness SPECIAL MUSIC - Help Me Not Forget Your Benefits SERMON - Pastor Chris McKnight "Marks Of Great Commission Success, Part 2" Acts 11:19-30 CLOSING SONG May The Peoples Praise You ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED - Wednesday and Thursday in celebration of Thanksgiving
CHURCH DIRECTORY - Need help accessing the church directory? Church members may access the church directory via a link on our website. Smartphone users may use the Instant Church Directory app that is downloadable from your app store. In either case, you will create your own login with a password that you choose. You must use the email that we have on file for your login. Please let the office know if you need to make any changes to your information. KBC NURSERY AND CRY ROOM – A caring and secure ministry to children ages 0-3 is located in the Children’s Building during the worship service. Please check in at the children’s desk. Cry/nursing rooms for moms and babies are located off the worship center foyer and in the children’s building. CHILDREN’S CHURCH – For children ages 4-6. Parents, please bring your children to the foyer when the dismissal slide appears on the screen. They will be escorted to the Children’s Building and must be picked up there by their parents immediately after the service. If they are attending for the first time please accompany them to the children’s building to fill out a registration form. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – Last Day for National Collection Week shoeboxes is Monday (8:00am to Noon) November 20th. Contact Noelle Neely for more information: 210-288-2328 WEDNESDAY ACTIVITIES - No activities as we celebrate Thanksgiving. CHRISTMAS SENIOR ADULTS GAME DAY – December 2nd, 12:30-4. All Seniors are welcome. Bring a savory or sweet Hors d'oeuvres dish to share for lunch. Enjoy fellowship and fun with a White Elephant gift exchange. There will also be Christmas games, songs and more. QUARTERLY PRAYER MEETING - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, is our quarterly prayer meeting. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall from 6:00pm to 7:00pm to be a part of this prayer time. FELLOWSHIP HALL OVERFLOW – In order to alleviate crowding in our worship center (which may deter visitors) and encourage joyful singing in our fellowship hall overflow space, your elders request you to use the Fellowship Hall once a month over the next two months based on the following alphabetical (last name) schedule: A – D Dec. 3 E – K Dec. 10 L – R Nov. 19 and Dec. 17 S – Z Nov. 26 and Dec. 24 This is purely voluntary, and we don't want to split up extended families who worship together due to alphabetical order. We also understand that not everyone is able to use the Fellowship Hall for various reasons, and that's completely okay! To help us evaluate this option better, we will have an elder and his family in the hall over the next few weeks. SAVE THE DATE - Friday, December 15th at 7pm, join us for a special Christmas Program! We'll be featuring our choir, soloists, and kids choir. Don't miss this festive evening as we celebrate Christ's first advent and look toward His second coming! KBC BOOKSTORE – Be sure to check out our bookstore located in the foyer extension. Inside each book is an envelope with the price. Please place your payment (cash or check) in the envelope and drop the envelope in the box provided. You can also use our new "Square" Credit Card system for your purchase. LENDING LIBRARY – We have re-established our lending library located in the “conference/ counseling” room in the front office of the church. Books can be self-checked out anytime the church is open. Instructions are posted next to the bookshelves. Also, feel free to use the library to read or study. We have a large number of Bible commentaries and Bible study resources. INTERESTED IN BELIEVER'S BAPTISM? – Please contact the church office and one of our pastors will be in touch with you soon. LOOKING FOR A CALENDAR OF EVENTS? Click here for the latest calendar. Please let us know if something needs attention. GIVING – There are several ways to give: Offering boxes in the foyer Our online giving platform, Regular mail or drop off during office hours (898 Harper Road). (Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5 M-Th) Please write separate checks for the different funds (general or Agape) as they go to separate bank accounts. PASTOR'S PODCAST – "Intentional Generational Disciple Making" Listen Now! UPCOMING @ KBC Sunday 9:00am – Sunday School in All Locations 10:30am – Worship Service Tuesday 10:00am – 11:00am – Roman's Study, Chapter 8 - FH Wednesday No activities in celebration of Thanksgiving Comments are closed.