ANNOUNCEMENTS CHURCH DIRECTORY - Need help accessing the church directory? Church members may access the church directory via a link on our website. Smartphone users may use the Instant Church Directory app that is downloadable from your app store. In either case, you will create your own login with a password that you choose. You must use the email that we have on file for your login. Please let the office know if you need to make any changes to your information. KBC NURSERY AND CRY ROOM – A caring and secure ministry to children ages 0-3 is located in the Children’s Building during the worship service. Please check in at the children’s desk. Cry/nursing rooms for moms and babies are located off the worship center foyer and in the children’s building. CHILDREN’S CHURCH – For children ages 4-6. Parents, please bring your children to the foyer when the dismissal slide appears on the screen. They will be escorted to the Children’s Building and must be picked up there by their parents immediately after the service. If they are attending for the first time please accompany them to the children’s building to register. OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH – The deacons and elders wish to encourage all KBC members to express their appreciation for Chris, Toby, Scott, and Murray. Send them a letter of encouragement, take dinner to their house, or other ideas you may have. SENIOR ADULT GAMES – If you like to play games or just visit with friends, come join us for Senior “Adult” Game Afternoon. Saturday, October 28th, from 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the Family Life Center. WEDNESDAY ACTIVITIES – Join us on Wednesday, November 1st, for a fellowship meal at 5:30pm. On the Menu: Assorted Pizzas, Garden Salad, Fresh Fruit, Dessert, and Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches. Volunteers needed to prepare, serve, and clean up for the AWANA Meals. Please contact Carol Pratt if you are willing and able to help in this Ministry (830-370-3659). CONNECTIONS CLASS – Saturday, November 4th, 8am – Noon. Thinking of becoming a member of KBC? This class is taught by our elders and will give you an overview of what we believe, how we’re governed, and how to be involved. Sign up: Childcare (0-12yrs) provided upon request. Class minimum is 12 and maximum is 25 participants. SUNDAY IS THE DEADLINE TO SIGN UP. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, is less than a month away. OCC’s goal is to share God’s love with children in need around the world. Children do not simply receive a shoebox full of gifts; they are given the greatest gift of all … the Good News! Samaritan’s Purse doesn’t simply give the children the box and depart. They are committed to ongoing discipleship of the children and their families. You can participate in this missions outreach through KBC by picking up shoeboxes and instructions for packing in the foyer. Please keep filled boxes until National Collection Week, Nov 13-20. Contact Noelle Neely for more information:210-288-2328 KBC BOOKSTORE – Be sure to check out our bookstore located in the foyer extension. Inside each book is an envelope with the price. Please place your payment (cash or check) in the envelope and drop the envelope in the box provided. LENDING LIBRARY – We have re-established our lending library located in the “conference/ counseling” room in the front office of the church. Books can be self-checked out anytime the church is open. Instructions are posted next to the bookshelves. Also, feel free to use the library to read or study. We have a large number of Bible commentaries and Bible study resources. INTERESTED IN BELIEVER'S BAPTISM? – Please contact the church office and one of our pastors will be in touch with you soon. LOOKING FOR A CALENDAR OF EVENTS? Click here for the latest calendar. Please let us know if something needs attention. GIVING – There are several ways to give: Offering boxes in the foyer Our online giving platform, Regular mail or drop off during office hours (898 Harper Road). (Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5 M-Th) Please write separate checks for the different funds (general or Agape) as they go to separate bank accounts. PASTOR'S PODCAST – "Living In An Upside-Down World?" Listen Now! ORDER OF WORSHIP - OCTOBER 29, 2023 SONGS OF PRAISE CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Come Thou Almighty King Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love The Lord Almighty Reigns SPECIAL MUSIC I Am Not My Own SERMON - Pastor Chris McKnight "The Basics of Gospel Ministry" Acts 10:34-48 CLOSING SONG Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery Comments are closed.